Internal ADC – old version
New version here: http://esp8266-projects.org/2015/03/internal-adc-esp8266/
New version here: http://esp8266-projects.org/2015/03/internal-adc-esp8266/
Now, with a nice and powerful 12 bit DAC working on our ESP8266 CBDB Board ( see Part 1 ) let’s test it to the limit a little bit. As you will see from the Oscilloscope and DMM images below, MCP4726 DAC Output it’s nice, smooth and stable. Not bad Read more…
At least from the zillions of request for a DAC Driver implementation example that I received in the latest weeks, this is the long awaited topic: ESP8266 Modules and Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter control! For our project we will use Microchip MCP4726, a Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) Read more…
First, The Question: What is a PIR sensor? PIR Sensor with mounted Fresnel Lens A PIR module is basically made of a pyroelectric sensor (see it below as the round metal can with a rectangular crystal in the center), which can detect levels of infrared radiation. Everything emits some low Read more…
____________________________________________________________ WARNING!! You will play with LIVE MAINS!! Deadly zone!! If you don’t have any experience and are not qualified for working with MAINS power I will not ecourage you to play arround! ____________________________________________________________ The story behind:Somebody was asking few days ago on ESP8266.com forum for the easiest way to Read more…
As it was requested from you, my readers, in Part 3 of our CBDB saga, we will start building a simple, high precision, Temperature Data logger based on the MCP9808 chip, a ±0.5°C Maximum Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor. As far as I know this is the first time NodeMCU float Read more…
Part 2 of the the long awaited CBDB Series 🙂 This time we will talk about how to reflash your ESP Module with a different firmware and how can be done using a CBDB setup, easy as “just insert a yellow jumper” story. As you remember from the previous Read more…
ESP8266 – NodeMCU Flasher PROBLEM? – Calling back home?? I was dowloading this morning the NodeMCU Flasher program from https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher. This is the official firmware programmer for NodeMCU DEVKIT V0.9. Has anybody any idea why is it trying to connect at startup over the internet at the address below? Read more…
I was not intending to have this as as my first one here but because of the extensive number of ESP-07 modules released from factory with this problem I really hope will help people to solve the DOA issue without sending back the modules and receive brand new ones with Read more…