AT24C32 – I2C External EEPROM Data Looger

As you remember from our previous article about DS3231 RTC Module, we have identified onboard an EEPROM chip, a 32k AT24C32 one. It is independent from the RTC circuit and conected on the I2C bus, perfect companion for a Data Logger System 🙂                                                        AT24C32 EEPROM The AT24C32 provides 32,768 Read more…


Time sync with Google page

How  we will do it:  Connect to Google server, fetch the page header that contain the Timestamp and do some string manipulation to obtain the Date & Time information in the format that we need to be able to update our Real Time Clock:  getTime = function()      conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) Read more…


18 Bit ADC – MCP3421 – I2C Driver – ESP8266 CBDB

———————————-  UPDATE  ————————————– For a ADC Input Frontend with Auto-range capabilities in the 0-40V Input range take a look also at the new ADC Input related article ———————————  UPADTE  —————————————- After testing the ESP8266 Internal ADC I think it’s time to see also a higher resolution ADC at work. For Read more…


Internal ADC – ESP8266

———————————  NEW UPADTE  —————————————- Added also a new example for a 0-5V input range with Voltage divider and LSB calculation, “the easy way”: ESP8266 internal ADC 2 – the easy way example ———————————-  UPDATE  ————————————– For a ADC Input Frontend with Auto-range capabilities in the 0-40V Input range take a look Read more…